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Support from corporate and business sponsors allows WLI to pursue larger projects that promote women leadership, both at Yale and beyond. In the past, sponsors have helped WLI successfully host two of our annual capstone events—the Leading Ladies Gala and the Women’s Empowerment Conference—which help us bring together hundreds of undergraduate and professional women.


Moving forward, WLI is excited to form new partnerships and continue to empower the next generation of women.

Our Sponsors

We would like to thank our current sponsors for their support.

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Sponsor Us

For 2024-2025, WLI is offering corporate sponsorships for events like networking and info sessions.


Benefits of sponsorship include:


  • A customizable networking event (ie coffee chats, info session, workshop, etc)


  • Advertisements in our weekly newsletters and on our website

    • Every year, WLI hosts a variety of notable conferences, initiatives, and workshops. Our Women Empowering Women Conference and the Leading Ladies Gala alone attract hundreds of distinguished women and students from all over the world. At these events, we offer to promote your organization, any upcoming events or opportunities related to your cause, or distribute any important print materials.


  • Marketing on our social media pages (1.5k+ followers on Facebook, 1.5k+ followers on Instagram):

    • WLI can promote your cause through our online platforms, including our undergraduate newsletter (over 500 subscribers), official website, Instagram account, and Facebook page. These are distribution channels typically used by all Yale students.


  • Access to WLI’s extensive resume book:  

    • Every year, the Women’s Leadership Initiative asks its members and any interested students to submit their resumes to our WLI resume book. This compilation contains the resumes and contact information of a multitude of accomplished womxn at Yale. Many organizations and job recruiters have found our resume book extremely important to their interests.


  • Community Support:

    • The WLI community includes individuals who are passionate about supporting causes that further female empowerment. If your organization is in need of volunteers, undergraduate student mentors, or student expertise, WLI can recruit members for your cause. Our membership base includes individuals with diverse academic interests and personal backgrounds. Due to our wide reach, we can match your organization with students who can optimally assist your cause.


Learn more about our sponsorship packages in our Sponsorship Prospectus.


Contact Us:


If interested in sponsorship, please email or and we will respond as soon as possible.

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